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2020/11/25 12:47:07发布117次查看

一、产品介绍:product introduction
可拆卸式保温套(也称:保温被,绝热套,柔性保温衣,异型保温),是我公司在吸收 国外技术的基础上自主开发的新一代绝热保温产品,填补了国内在这领域的空白。它 采用耐高低温、防火保温材料;有内衬、中间保温层、外保护层三层组成;根据管道 或设备的具体形状及其使用环境,经过精心设计、测绘后,通过特殊工艺制作而成。 它是目前高档的管道、设备绝热保温材料。它可用在不同温度,不同形状的管道和各 种冷热设备的绝热保温。对于要经常拆卸、维修保养、清洗的管道设备尤为实用。其 综合经济效益好。是工业节能保温理想选择丨
detachable insulation covering (which is also called temperature holding cloth, heat insulation blanket) is our own independently developed insulation product based on foreign technique. it fills up blank on this field within china. it is the top
grade insulation material for pipeline and machinery, made of thermo stable and
fireproofing materials, consists of internal pad, middle heat preserving layer and external protective layer. we usually customize the coverings after shape mapping according to the specific environment, and then produce it by special process. its detachability and environmental friendly makes it perfect for heat holding of the pipeline or machinery which needs frequent disassembling and maintenance.
二、产品性能:product      capability
1.      保温效果好、耐高低温(耐高温1200-280°c,耐低温负200°c)
2.      化学稳定性好,耐各种化学腐蚀;防虫蛀、防霉变。
3.      防火阻燃(防火a级一不燃,gb8624-2006,德国标准din4102,a1级)
4.      耐老化、耐气候性
5.      防水、防油:具有良好的憎水性能,防油污
1.     heat maintenance effect. can endure both high temperature (1200-280c) and low temperature (-200c)
2.      chemical stability: considerable resistance to most of corrosive chemicals. good mildew proof effect and moth proof effect.
3.      fire resistance: fireproofing and flame retardant ( gb8624-2006: grade a, din4102: a1);
4.      good endurance of seasoning and weather;
5.      water proof, oil proof. high hydrophobic properties.
三、产品特点:product      characteristics
1.      绝热保温效果好,绝热层采用耐热纤维隔热毯,表面毛羽丰富(类似羽绒),耐 温 300-1200°c。
2.      方便拆卸、易于安装、方便清洗管道设备、方便维修保养。
3.      可以反复使用、使用寿命长。
4.      强度高,既柔软又有韧性,易弯曲包扎。
5.      可根据需保温部位量身定做,加工非标产品。
6.      产品适应性强:适用于不同温度范围,不同形状的管道、设备。
7.      环保,无污染:不含石棉及其他任何有害物质,对人和环境完全无害。
8.      产品外观漂亮整洁、表面可擦洗。
9.      改善工作热环境,防止人员烫伤。降低室内温度,便于空调降温,提高环境舒适
1.     good capability of heat insulation, the heat insulation layer is made of heat insulation fiber mat, it has ample fiber, and could resist temperature of 300-1200c.
2.      easy to detachable and disassembly, good for machinery/pipeline maintenance.
3.      reusable and long service life.
4.      high intensity, pliable and easy for package.
5.      customized according to customer inpidualized requirements.
6.      strong applicability: can be used for pipelines and machinery in all kinds of shape under different hard environment.
7.      environmental-friendly, it does not contain any toxic chemical composition. without addition of asbestos. no harm to human bodies and environment.
8.      good looking, easy to clean and wash.
9.      reduce the temperature in the workshops. good for room temperature control. improve the operators’ working environment and prevent burns risk.
四、产品适应性强:(和传统保温比较有明显优势)good adaptability of product ( have obvious advantage compared with traditional heat insulation)
1.      可以多次反复使用(传统保温只能一次使用)
2.      适用于不同形状的管道、设备,特别是对“异形件”更有优势,甚至在传统保温 无法做到的情况,可拆卸式柔性保温衣也可以做到(因为传统保温是“硬质材料” 加工而成,不易弯曲变形)
3.      空间适应范围广泛,在一个空间狭小的区域也可以使用本保温衣(套)(传统保 温对狭小空间有时可能无法做到)
4.      环境适应性强:对一些有“腐蚀性”的环境,比传统保温更有优势。(因为传统 保温外表是铝皮或铁皮不耐腐蚀)
5.      适用于不同温度范围,在-200-1200°c都可以。
1.     repeated used. ( traditional heat insulation can only be used once)
2.     suitable for different shape of pipeline, equipment, especially for special-shaped parts( as the traditional heat insulation made of hard material)
3.      can be used in almost all kinds of space. (traditional heat insulation maybe can not be used in small space)
4.      our products is advanced in the harsh environment. (traditional heat insulation usually can not be used in corrosive environment)
5.      suitable for large range of temperature. (-200 to 1200c)
五、性能指标 capability index
1.     导热系数
2.     耐高低温耐高温1200-280°c,耐低温负200°c
a)     保冷型
b)     低温型(使用温度300°c以下)
c)     中温型(使用温度300---600°c以上)
d)     高温型(使用温度600°c以上)。
3.     阻燃性能不燃(防火a级,gb8624-2006,德国标准din4102,a1级)
4.     密度:110-220kg/m3
5.     厚度:10-150mm
6.                                 吸湿率:<     5%
1.     thermal conductivity: 0.030w / m.k - 0.040w / m.k±0.005 (常温下 at room temperature)
2.      high and low temperature resistance: (up to 1200c, low to -200c)
3.      capability of fireproof: non-flammability
4.      density: 110-220kg/m3
5.      thickness: 10-150mm
6.      moisture rate: < 5%
六、主要应用 main application
可拆卸式保温套(保温被、衣)是目前高档的管道、设备保温材料,广泛应用于石油 化工、化学工程、电力、纺丝、冶金、建筑、船舶、轮胎、窑炉、造纸、制药等领域 的热力设备和各种管道、暖通空调及制冷装置。它适用于各种管道、设备绝热保温, 是理想的管道设备保温材料!如管道、弯头、法兰、阀门、视镜、三通、流量计、液 位计、压力表、化学反应器、实验室仪器、设备、火电核电汽轮机组、封头、泵、钢
铁厂等高温环境下的仪表箱、热交换器、压缩机、柴油机、燃气机、发动机、空气机 及其它异型件等。
at present, it is a high grade pipeline heat preserving material, and widely used in various pipeline, warm ventilation air-conditioning equip of petroleum, chemical, filature, metallurgy, electricity and is an ideal pipeline heat preserving material. for example, pipeline, elbow, flange, valve, tie-in of pipeline, chemical reactor, equipment, air machine of fire power or nuclear power, instrument box and exchange equipment used in high temperature environment of steel factory and other profiled part.
七、产品主要类别jsave product category
1.      保内温型:保“被保温体的内部温度”,使内部热能不和外界产生热交换(对流、 辐射、传递)。保证生产的必备温度,使内部热量得到最大限度的利用,达到节 能目的。
2.      防外热辐射型:防止强烈的外热辐射,使外界热量不能传导到被保温体内部,影 响被保温体的正常工作温度,甚至损害设备、零部件、仪表等。
3.      防冻型:防止外部低温影响被保温体内部的工作温度。主要用于管道、设备、仪 表、仪器的防冻及工艺稳定,所用材料及保温衣形式根据现场要求定制。
4.      低温保冷型:防止外部高温传递到低温保冷区。
5.      伴热保温型(加热保温型):为了满足生产工艺条件,或防止低温防冻,需要对 设备、管道等主动提供热源加热,同时需要外加保温衣(套)保温,使之保持一 定的温度。以满足工艺、设备运行的温度需要。
five main products of our company:
1.      inner temperature-hold type: keep the inner temperature of the protected products, to stop heat exchange of the inner and outside energy (convection,
radiation, and transfer). keep the necessary temperature for production and maximize the energy utilization by saving energy.
2.     resisting outside-radiation type: resist strong outside heat radiation to keep the outer heat outside. minimize harm to the equipment, part, and instruments.
3.     anti-freezing type: resisting outside low temperature impact the working temperature of protected equipments. this type is mainly used to protect pipeline, equipment, and instrument. the material used to make this covering is decided by the locale request.
4.     keeping low temperature type: keep away the outside heat transfer to the inside which may impact the low-temperature protected equipments.
5.     calefaction type: to satisfy the request of production, or resist freezing, the equipment and pipeline maybe need to be het up, meanwhile it needs to have covering to keep the temperature.


中国 青岛


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