货号52456 |
with the development of the economy, more and more people begin to attach importance to environmental protection. the country is also calling for active use of non-woven zipper bags and other environmental bags. with the popularity of non-woven bags, the market has become bigger and more competitive. next, xiaobian introduces us a great strength and market of nonwoven bags.
质轻是它的一大大长处。无纺布袋的制造原材料主要是聚丙烯树脂,它的重量十分低,比较棉花来说,相同体积的两种物质比较,它的质量只不过是棉花质量的五分之三,比棉花还轻,这是很难以想象的。其次就是柔软度十分好。无纺布袋制造的时分是依照轻点状热熔粘结成型的办法制造而成的。这种办法制造而成的无纺布袋,结构紧凑,都是它的柔软度十分好好,接触起来没有硬质感,十分的舒畅。 除此之外,我们在运用无纺布袋的时分有没有发现这样一种情况,用无纺布袋装物品的时分,一不小心把水洒在了无纺布袋外表,赶忙把水擦干,查看布袋内部的货物,但是***终发觉里面货物并没有受潮。
light weight is one of its great strengths. the raw material of non woven bag is mainly polypropylene resin, its weight is very low, compared with cotton, compared with two substances of the same volume, its quality is only 3/5 of the quality of cotton, which is less than cotton, which is very unimaginable. second, the softness is very good. the time for manufacturing non-woven bags is made according to the method of light point hot melt bonding. the nonwoven fabric bag made by this method is compact in structure, and its softness is very good. it has no hard feeling and is very comfortable. in addition, in the use of nonwoven bag, we found such a situation, with non-woven bags of goods in the time, carelessly sprinkled water on the appearance of non woven bag, hastened the water dry, check the inside of the bag of goods, but eventually found that the goods inside are not damp.
无纺布袋高端市场受重视,时至今日,各类礼品展、箱包展、布袋展等大大小小的展会上,尽管参展的为数不多,但谈到其优势, 环保 依然位列其间。 机械、原材料、出产厂商汇聚一堂,这对参观者来说未必是一件功德。跟着展会举行的频率越来越高,许多观众期望凭借展会准确地找到自己想要的供货商,而关于这样比较全的展会布局,甚感利诱,我要的产品和供货商终究在哪里?但反过来关于参展商而言,这样或许更方面其寻觅协作的客户。
the high-end market of non-woven bag is paid attention to. today, all kinds of gifts, bags, bag exhibitions and other big and small exhibitions, although the number of exhibitors is not much, but on its advantages, environmental protection is still among them. machinery, raw materials and manufacturers are gathered together, which is not necessarily a merit for visitors. with the increasing frequency of the exhibition, many spectators expect to find their suppliers accurately by the show, and the overall layout of the exhibition is very lure. where are the products and suppliers i want? but in turn, the exhibitors are probably looking for collaborative customers.
山东 济南 历城区